Panel of experts of Space Technologies
Organized by the Slovenian Environment Agency (SEA) and the Slovenian Centre of Excellence for Space Sciences and Technologies Space-SI (CE Space-SI) the panel of experts Presentation of space technologies and programs was held on 9.12.2013 at the SEA.
Convened by Mr Klemen Bergant (Director of Meteorological office, SEA), the panel of experts comprised distinguish guests from several EU organizations (Mrs Roya Ayazi – NEREUS Secretariat, Mrs Teodora Secara – EURISY, Mr Silvo Žlebir – European Commission), Slovenian governmental institutions (Mr Ivan Skubic – Ministry of Education, Science and Sport), and members of Slovenian research and development organizations (Mr Tomaž Rodič , Mr Krištof Oštir – both CE Space-SI, Mr Jože Rakovec – University of Ljubljana, Mrs Mateja Iršič Žibert – SEA). Participants discussed recent achievements of development of space technologies (ST) in Slovenia, the possibilities and current implementation of ST in meteorology and environmental monitoring. Some space and environmental EU programs were also discussed as an opportunity for collaboration of Slovenian research institutions and development organizations. The panel stressed that significant results in development of ST were obtained, yet these results could be upgraded through some EU space and environmental programs. In this way, the access to the products of ST would be easier for end users in Slovenia. Space technology and its products in environmental monitoring and decision making would contribute to regional economy, farming, traffic and transport, preservation of natural environment, etc.